After reading the statistics of the Nicaraguan people's daily lives, it became clear to me why this many people come down each summer to serve and help.
2.1 million people (40%) live in houses made from scrap material
2.7 million people (50%) live in overcrowded conditions
477,000 children (33%) suffer from chronic malnutrition
2.7 million people (50%) do not have access to essential medicines
There are only 3 doctors for every 8,000 people.
Jesus fed the 5,000 because they were hungry!
He didn't hand them a bible verse and tell them that God should be their daily bread.
Meeting peoples basic needs as an opportunity to love and show the love of Christ is a biblical concept. You will find it all throughout Jesus' ministry. "What we have done to the least of these, we have done to Jesus."
(Matthew 25, go read it, it's there).
So we have a calling to give to and serve the poor regardless of what they believe or how we are treated in return, not seeking an earthly reward but working for our father in heaven. "For whom much has been given, much is required..." Luke 12:48. We are the "much has been given". We have been given Resources, and talents that the Lord calls and "requires" us to use for his name! And what happens when we use our resources that have been given to us to help meet the needs of brothers and sisters? The doors have opened...why would we ever do such a thing? : they might ask. Becuase his love controls and compels us! 2 Cor. 5:14.
I am not going to just go to Nicaragua because it's a mission trip and it will be good for me and for some Nicaraguans. The Lord has called me to give what I have for this period of time to further his kingdom and his purposes. Please pray with me this week for Purdue college and the rest of the groups coming down that the Lord would start now, today, to prepare their hearts to give and serve relentlessly seeking a heavenly reward.
Please spread the word. Our faithfullness in prayer is crucial.
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