We have been praying to see through "an eternal lens" lately.
The world through my eyes is a scary place. My selfish motives, pride, and negativity can blur God's amazing creation and story into a dark and dreadful place. We are asking God to grant us more of Him, nothing more. What we need to set us free and live this story right is to be satisfied and see Christ's love as sufficient, nothing else. When this happens, the world begins to look like a much more pleasant place, and we start doing wonderfully crazy things. Jesus and Paul's backwards, selfless teachings make more sense. The needs of those around us take precedence over our own. We give sacrificially to those in need and we do it with a cheerful heart! Apart from Christ, these ideas just don't make sense to me. I'm too committed to me. But with the clear focused lens of Jesus' unwaivering, sacrificial and abundant love in our lives we begin to live like Jesus and become more like him. Romans 8:29 says we are being "sanctified" which simply means we are becoming more like Him.
Father, grant us this. We want to see things the way you do. We want your backwards teachings that shook the world and made pharasees stand still in awe to grasp our hearts in a way that we can't describe.
More of you Jesus.